Saturday, May 29, 2010

Finally getting ready for summer!!


I finished school in early April, flew home on April 19, started my job on May 1, and now it's almost June and I'm finally getting ready for Summer.
The problem is that as much as I want to be excited about my Summer I feel like it's going to be busy and I'm going to have to do a lot of stuff that I don't want to do. haha, that probably sounds super selfish, but you know the thoughts about Summer! It's my vacation! but I still want to get so much out of it. I think I found a great job that I find very rewarding. I'm a Psychiatric Nursing Assistant, and for confidentiality reasons I'm not going to say where I work to avoid accidentally slipping information that I'm not supposed to. ha! well if that doesn't sound sketchy... :P I work nights and I enjoy it for the most part. I loved working days and interacting with the residents all the time because I love relationships and It's so great being with those people because they have so much to give to the world and so many people can't see past the disabilities far enough to notice that, it's a bit heart breaking. what I love the most about my job is that since it's at night I have a pretty decent amount of spare time compared to what I would have if I worked during the day. This time allows me to read, talk with my co-workers, do nothing, or do a variety of things that may or may not be productive.

I think I'll stop there for a little bit and explain why my thoughts are travelling this way today of all days.

Basically, I've been procrastinating on carrying out my summer plans and goals until now because I haven't had my books. haha, sounds like a pretty pathetic reason, but those who are procrastinator will probably understand. Any little reason, eh? well... today I got my books back. Now I want to crack down and have a relaxing and also productive summer.

k, well I think I'll make a list of things that I would like to get done this Summer even though most of them probably won't. it's the thought that counts right? pfft...

first on my list, not because it is the most important (it's not the MOST important, but it is very important) but because it will take up the most of my time is working. like I said earlier, I work nights and I work shift work so my schedule is all over the place making it difficult to plan stuff for fear of having to cancel or move it, so instead I'm reluctant to plan anything (until now) so I don't have to cancel or change anything. great logic right? ha!

next is volunteering with the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, I lead a "Big Bunch" where I take out kids and do fun stuff, i recommend this for anyone that has the time.

there's also Soccer (every Tuesday and Thursday evening)
I have a whole bunch of reading I want to do (all the books, haha)
I Love to be alone outside at my little get away beside our creek.
I want to volunteer at the YFC drop in center (Monday and Wednesday evenings)
my dad now leads our church's college and career group (proud of him) which kind of obligates me to have a perfect attendance even though I'd probably be there basically everytime anyways.
I need to have time so spend with friends
I have to make sure that I have time with my family and especially my younger siblings,
I have to have "God time" which includes devotions, Bible reading, prayer, meditation, silence and a whole plethora of other Spiritual disciplines that I would like to work on.
I would like to read my Bible all through this summer.
I would like to learn how to cook and bake better. I have a baking recipe book and talked with my mom about pulling a "Julie and Julia" thing and try to do them all this summer. so far I've tried 2 of them, one unsuccessful due to missing the proper ingredients and not knowing a proper substitute and the second one I'm scared to try for the exact same reason, haha. I realized that this book was made in the states and not only uses their measurements but also uses ingredients only sold in the US. boo.
oh yeah, I also need to start running again like I did at the beginning of my break (in the glorious stress free time before I had a job or other commitments) and I need to start my work out routine. My uncle, a world champion arm wrestler and personal trainer offered to train me for free and is now just waiting for me to drop in. I'm procrastinating.
oh! I almost forgot, haha, Church! every Sunday morning.

I don't know when I will have time to smush this all together. there are a couple of other things I want to do in the summer, but what I've mentioned here will be fairly consistent over the course of the summer. Luckily, my Best-Friend-Who-is-a-girl Ashley Plett (as compared to my Best-Friend-Who-is-a-boy Kurt Friesen) is going to help me put together a schedule to keep me fairly on track for the summer. If I live through this Summer I will come out much better for it. I have a huge reading list that I want to work through. not wanting to write this list, it's just a stack of books on one side of my dresser that I have yet to read and then once I've read them I will either put them on the other side of the dresser or where they belong, haha.

so far I've finished one that was on the list and one that wasn't but I'm super happy I read it anyways, therefore, now on the reading list and completed. :P the first book was "I Am Not, but, I Know I am" by Louie Giglio. good book, I got it from my mentor last year, it basically tells you that "I Am Nots" (people) are essentially not. but with "I Am" (God) we actually have something worth something. That's probably the worst book summary that I've ever given, it's way more complicated and insightful than that, It's all in my head, it's just not coming out right, haha. Second book is "Brisingr", the third book in the Inheritance cycle my Christopher Paolini. Love the book, and I'm not even going to attempt to explain it because it's the third book of the series and it's over 700 pages. I do recommend it though, Read it!!! it's superb! (is you like fantasy-ish, fiction, adventure books. ex, sword fights, magic and dragon riders and possibly a corrupt king and a shade or two). Books I Plan or reading this summer include Merely Christian by CS Lewis, the Narnia series, also by CS Lewis, the final 3 books of the Harry potter series, The Elements of Moral Philosophy my James Rachels and Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, along with 27 others. I said I had a lot I wanted to read!!

I was planning on starting Piano again this summer or maybe trying Guitar, but that will have to wait until later, I have no time.

ok, that's my summer so far! I'll write more when something happens... oh! went to the movies today with Ashley, Kurt and Stefan and watched Prince of Persia. It was ok, but I didn't like Jake Gyllenhal (don't know how to spell it) for the part. Loved Iron Man 2 though! so good!

ps. I've only had 2 or 3 Slurpees in the month and a half that I've been home, a little ashamed of myself actually. going to Prom tomorrow and speaking in Church on the 6th. there! now caught up to date!

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