Since I have mentioned them a couple of times and probably will continue to mention them, I've decided to introduce Kurt Friesen and Ashley Plett, my two best friends.
This is Ashley, Kurt and I at College. (in that order).
Even before we were born, Kurt and I were destined to be friends. Our moms knew each other and were very close friends. Kurt is 6 months older than me (which unfortunately puts him a grade above me) and we often joke about how we would talk to each other in our mothers' respective wombs when they would be sitting together. It's actually how we've started some of our testimonies if the other was present. We grew up together, our whole lives had started to be intertwined from the moment our moms became friends and became a strengthened reality when I popped out on January 10, 1991.
Like I said before, our moms were close friends, so it made sense for them to become even closer, now each having a young baby. So, Kurt and I were around each other a fair bit when we were younger, at least when I wasn't moving all over the place. When my dad had leukemia I spent a huge amount of time at the Friesen's house because my mom was often at the hospital supporting my father. Each summer Kurt and I would go to camp. for the first couple years we kept on changing camp until at last we found Winkler Bible Camp. It was loads of fun, my favorite things to do there were Archery, Horseback riding, the ropes course, the climbing wall, having canteen (tuck), playing the huge group games (capture the flag was the best, especially because we were playing it with toilet paper rolls), and chilling in the cabin. Basically everything about camp I loved. I would have liked to go back as a counsellor but never did and now it wouldn't give me the money that I need for school. There was only one year that I went to camp and Kurt didn't. I think he was in Wisconsin during that time, so I don't think he minded too much.
Kurt and I didn't go to the same school until the high schools of Portage La Prairie amalgamated in my grade 10 year (Kurt's grade 11 year). then we went to the same school and spent 2 years having our lunches at friends' houses and having one class together, Spanish. Ashley was in that class too. we all decided to take it because we were going to Mexico that Spring break on a Church mission's trip. we wanted to be able to communicate a little bit.
After he graduated, Kurt decided to work for a year to save up his money for school. He definitely worked all year (outdoor construction in -50 degree Celsius), but I don't think he saved up too much. Kurt loves to buy all sorts of cool things like skim boards, skateboards, snowboards and all the gear that goes with those, and I think he also bought a car that year.
The next year Kurt and I set out for Columbia Bible College in September only to be joined by Ashley Plett in the second semester. All three of us are going back for at least one more year.
That the short form of our story, I assure you, there is much, much more.
Ashley Plett
I didn't know Ashley Plett as long I'd known Kurt. Kurt and I were helping out on a church project called, "The Ridge". It was eventually supposed to be a kids camp but the project never was completed e to a lack of funds. Kurt and I were going to play dutch blitz and we wanted two more people play with us. We found Big Andrew and Ashley Plett. I love bringing this story up to Ashley because she was in the hole the entire time. If I remember correctly, she got to +1 and we quit because it was 2:00am.
The next year he three of us were buds. Kurt and I both had a bit of a crush on Ashley, and she had a crush on Kurt. I know, heart breaker. Nothing really ever came out of these crushes and we're all still friends today so it's all good.
The year after that, Ashley hated me. There was no real reason behind it and she always apologizes whenever it comes up, but she thought she was too mature for me. We were in grade 9 and most of her friends were her older brother's also so they were older and it went to her head a little and she just decided that she was too good for me. The first day of grade 10 she came to her senses and we've been super tight ever since.
Ashley and I are a lot alike, probably even more alike than Kurt and I are. It's actually kind of crazy. Other people pick up on this and tell us to date and get married. Both of us think that it will never happen but acknowledge that we both want spouses who are similar to the other. We hang out a lot and encourage each other constantly. I would have probably accomplished far less things in my life if I had not met Ashley Plett.
The thing is that we've both adopted the unofficial motto of, "Let's make a difference", so if one of us comes up with an idea we tell the other and embark on it together. We may be very similar, but out brains work quite differently. I think Ashley would agree that her brain is a little more analytical than mine and my brain operates a little more creatively than hers. it works perfectly though. We've spent many hours where I throw out ideas of things we should do and she either approves of them or shuts them down because they're dumb. I throw out a lot of dumb ideas (although usually I know they are dumb, I just throw out what comes to my head because It helps us come up with other ideas that aren't dumb). It always used to be her leading and I would always be there to assist. through her constant encouragement I have become much more of a leader and often help pull her through things. We're always there, often just a phone call away, whenever the other one is in need, and for that I will always be grateful.
Throughout or high school years, Ashley and I were like glue, especially in grade 12 when Kurt had already graduated. we pursued different ways to make a difference, including Big Brothers Big Sisters program and running an OCC shoebox campaign throughout our school. IT was a terrific year.
Ashley loves to travel, so when Kurt and I took off to BC for school, she decided to backpack around southern Europe. She had a friend going with her, but her friend's parents decided the friend wasn't going to go, so Ashley made the decision to continue on alone. She will tell you it was worth it and she loved it. she'll tell you she met some amazing people, had some amazing experiences, saw some amazing sights, but most of all, had some amazing time with just her and God. I've noticed her personal growth through that experience. On, or just after, her trip, she decided that she wanted to know more about God and Jesus and the Bible. She asked me how school was and I told her it was awesome and she decided to check it out for herself. she enrolled and was at school to the second semester. She is planning on coming back for at least one more year to finish her Biblical Studies diploma
Those (briefly) are the stories of me and my two best friends.
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