Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bucket List

I've been thinking about making one for a long time now, I just never really sat down to do it.  Due to recent events in my life, I have lots of time.

so here goes...  (these aren't in any order, just as they came to me)

  1. Become fluent in Spanish
  2. Obtain a PhD
  3. Marry an beautiful, passionate Godly woman
  4. Adopt a child
  5. Attend Loy Krathong in Thialand
  6. Tour Israel
  7. Visit/study at the Shaolin Monastery
  8. Visit every continent
  9. Learn to Salsa Dance
  10. Learn to Swing Dance
  11. Sky Dive
  12. Write a book
  13. Be involved in a major world event
  14. Plan/design/build my own house
  15. Live on a different continent for a year
  16. Get my dual citizenship (Canada/USA)
  17. Learn to play Fur Elise on the piano
  18. Learn to play the guitar
  19. Backpack across Europe
  20. Visit the Pyramids
  21. Dig an underground tunnel
  22. Be part of a church founding
  23. Develop a liking for coffee
  24. Travel across Canada with a friend
  25. Become friends with a good celebrity
  26. Teach English as a second language in a different country
  27. Write and Play a good song for somebody
  28. Survive a month as a vegetarian
  29. Fast for 40 days
  30. Sponsor a child
  31. Tour Ecuador
  32. Fly a plane
  33. Bake a 3-foot tall cake
  34. Shake hands with future King William
  35. Share the gospel with a stranger on a Bus or Plane
  36. Learn to sing
  37. Provide free living space for someone in need
  38. Pick up a hitch hiker
  39. Own a Motorcycle 
  40. Give the shirt off my back as God leads
  41. Give my house to someone who needs it more
  42. Find someone who I think truly knows how much I love them.
  43. Complete a Marathon
  44. Complete a Triathlon
to be continued...